

The Platform

Kekuul is developed mainly in php, JavaScript and CSS, using the Laravel framework as a backend and Bootstrap frontend.

On the backend development side, Laravel is a framework that can be integrated into small and large projects, its philosophy is to develop PHP code elegantly and simply based on an MVC (Model-View-Controller) model.

With regard to Laravel it is not only a fast tool but also portable to work in different development environments.

In the frontend we have Bootstrap, it is a framework originally created by Twitter, which allows you to create web interfaces with CSS and JavaScript, whose particularity is to adapt the interface of the website to the size of the device in which it is displayed. That is, the website automatically adapts to the size of a PC, tablet or other device.



In version control we use Git thinking about the efficiency, reliability and compatibility of maintaining application versions when they have a large number of source code files. Its purpose is to keep track of changes to computer files including coordinating the work that multiple people do on shared files in a code repository.

To create our workflows, we use GitHub Actions can be used to compile, test and deploy code. In addition, it gives the possibility to create integration flows and continuous deployment within our repository.

Bootstrap 5:

Bootstrap is a cross-platform library or set of open-source tools for designing websites and web applications. It contains layout templates with typography, forms, buttons, boxes, navigation menus, and other HTML and CSS-based design elements, as well as additional JavaScript extensions. Unlike many web frameworks, it only deals with front- end development. Bootstrap is the second most prominent project on GitHub and is used by NASA and MSNBC among other organizations.

Geeks is a fully responsive and modern premium starter template. The Design of Geeks is suitable for the academy and online course market with the admin panel. Geeks provide clean and consistent page layouts to help you create engaging content. Geeks are feature-rich components and beautifully designed pages that help you create the best possible website and web application projects.

Laravel Framework 5.8.38

Laravel is a web application framework with an elegant and expressive syntax. We believe that development should be a fun and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel eliminates the hassle of development by facilitating common tasks that are used in many web projects, such as:

  • Simple and fast routing engine

  • Powerful dependency injection container

  • Multiple back-ends for caching and session

  • Intuitive and expressive database ORM

  • Database-independent schema migrations

  • Robust background job processing

  • Transmission of events in real time.

Stripe: Payments Processor

Millions of businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, use Stripe's software and APIs to accept payments, send transfers, and manage their business activities on the Internet.

Stripe PHP bindings 7.108.0

The Stripe PHP library provides convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in the PHP language. It includes a predefined set of classes for API resources that are dynamically initialized from API responses, making it compatible with a wide range of Stripe API versions.

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